We’re Back!… Rebooting the Network

The Sêr Cymru Low Carbon Energy and Environment Research Network Wales is back under way once more, with new funding and a new ambition.

Exciting work is underway to carry the network forward into a new phase!

The original network ran from 2013 to 2019, helping researchers leverage over £33 million of competitive funding for Welsh institutions. The network is starting up again with a new scope under the leadership of Prof Julia P. G. Jones. The second phase is being supported by Sêr Cymru II, which is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund, through the Welsh Government.

In a recent press release Professor Jones said “I am delighted to be leading this vitally important research network which is tackling some of the most important challenges faced by our planet. The work done during the first phase shows how world-leading environmental science here in Wales is, and I’m looking forward to working closely with partner universities, the Welsh Government and other stakeholders in taking the network forward.”

You can read the full press release here.

Starting up today on March 1st 2021, is an excellent time to turn our attention to the major events coming up in year. With only a few days between the network restarting and the deadline for submissions, the first action of this new phase will be to submit an Expression of Interest outlining what the network would like to exhibit at the COP26 conference in Glasgow, November 2021. Deadlines for EOIs are March 5th, with responses due in May.

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